Sunday, February 26, 2006

Tell me.

Tell me there's still time left. I'd follow you into the dark before standing here alone in the light. You are my excuse for everything, and I am your living legacy.

Tell me there's still time. Time to spend in argument, in comfortable silences, in gratifying conversations about everything. Those long, revealing conversations are my comfort. My security blanket. And you.

Tell me. Lie to me. Wrap your arms around me like you always do and say it will all be ok. Everything is perfect and nothing changes inside those arms. I'm still the girl I used to be, and you are still my rock.

Tell me there's still time left for us. The you and me that always was. The understanding, the common ground, the giggles and the tears. The comfort between us is irreplaceable, indescribable. Without you, there is no me.

So tell me. Tell me that this too shall pass. Tell me not to worry and that this world is a just and fair place. Because without your assurance, I'm never so optimistic.


Jay said...

Everyone is following someone into the dark these days.

MsPatricia said...

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in the dark on things? That people are talking about you behind your back?
I love how you've put things on paper (screen?) Em. You have a gift with words. I always feel like I can relate to everything you write. It's refreshing.

Miss.Emily said...

Wow! Such lovely compliments from my friends, I love you all!

Anonymous said...

I'm awaking to more amazing faucets of your personality all the time... thank you for always being able to share who you are