Friday, February 10, 2006

The Subconscious vs. The Unconscious

I don't believe we have a subconscious, which may be strange as a Psychology major. I especially don't buy into Freud's definition in which every person is motivated by something unknown to themselves, and usually that something is the desire to sleep with his or her parents. Of course, Freud was a quack. A brilliant quack who had some serious issues himself, I can imagine. But regardless, I can't subscribe to the idea that we make most of our choices based on something we are not aware of. I mean, we are clearly not consciously aware of every process going on in our brains but humans are metacognitive beings. We are aware that we think, we think about our thoughts and we can change them as we see fit. That is what makes us unique from almost every other creature on this planet. So how is it that, being conscious of our own thoughts, we can still be motivated by unknown operations? Don't you think we would individually discover these processes if we thought hard enough about it? On a daily basis we delve pretty far into our own minds, I'm sure something like that would surface eventually. Most people know that they do not want to have sex with their parents, and maintain that through their respective lives despite what Freud says. So I can't believe that there is some kind of process going on beneath our conscious thought.

However, I do believe that there are some things that we may not consciously know about ourselves. Sometimes there are things in our unconscious (note: not the same as subconscious) that we don't want to face or can't admit about ourselves. After all, people are discovering and rediscovering themselves every day. They are learning new things, changing opinions, adopting new strategies and getting to know the world a little bit better.

Which brings me to my point. I read a theory somewhere that says people are in exactly the type of relationship that they need to be in at that time. This seems strange considering that almost everyone complains about their relationships. No one really seems to be completely happy at the time in whatever romantic situation they are (or are not) in, including myself. I'm perpetually single, and I hate it. But I started to think about it a little more deeply. I don't want to be single. But I also don't want to be in a relationship with just anyone. I want to be with someone who will appreciate that I'm an amazing girl. I want someone who is strong and independent and who knows what he wants. I want someone who can't take his hands off me, who wants all of me, all the time. That's a lot to ask of someone, and I wont settle for less. Thus, we come back to my perpetually single conundrum. If I know exactly what I want but haven't found it yet, it makes sense that I'm still sitting here alone. Loneliness is what I need until I find what I am ultimately looking for.

Think about it. Wherever you are in your relationship right now is exactly where you need to be, subconscious processes or none.


Kiren said...

I agree with totally on the relationship part. We cannot help but get ourselves into the exact position we actually desire to be in, whether or not that's what we consciously decide.

But I seriously disagree with about the idea of a subconscious. I would argue that by the very fact that we are metacognitive beings prescribes the idea that something may be going on that we are not aware about. I mean if our brains are complex enough to actually think about and theorize the thought process, why cannot the brain be complex enough to carry on operations we are completely unaware of that influence our daily activities.

Now I don't necessarily agree that those subconscious thoughts surround a desire sleep with our mothers and fathers. Like you, I think that Freud was a quack and genius, but never forget that he was a quack. So forget the whole mother father thing, but really think about your mind. You know all the amazing things it is capable of. Is it really that far fetched for it to be capable of influencing our actions without us being aware (a.k.a. subconscious)?

At this point I'm not willing to say no.

Miss.Emily said...

"I mean if our brains are complex enough to actually think about and theorize the thought process, why cannot the brain be complex enough to carry on operations we are completely unaware of that influence our daily activities."

Although I still have problems with the whole subconscious thing, I have only one word for you Jesus. Tooooouche.

Miss.Emily said...

Sorry Trish! But I did say ALMOST everyone has problems in their relationships. Leaving space for those few who are perfect (bitch!) But you and Ryan are trying to deal with a long distance relationship right now which isn't ideal for you, so I wouldn't call that a problem, but not perfection.

I was just trying to make a point.

Kiren said...

You're welcome for the link and thank you for the link. I just looked up where Waterloo is. I grew up in Port Huron, Michigan, just across the border from Sarnia. It's relatively close. Fun to know. Have a good weekend.

Kiren said...
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Lever said...

Hmmm I wonder...

Ever got so drunk that you did things and woke up the next day... only for poeple to tell you... and you DID WHAT? OK, maybe alcohol is to blame but people do strange things when they are "not themselves"... you coudl be drunk, in a trance, just woken up... and you can still do things you might not normally... un or sub? That is the question.

But as for the theory that you are in the relationship you need at that time... that I think is very true... up to a point. Until you know for certain what you like and what you want you will keep looking for it... and as my old pal Dave used to say... "Be carfeul what you wish for, you may just get it."

So many thoughts and not enough blog time :)

Do well, Miss Emily :D

Jay said...

I do believe in the subconscious, although I totally agree that it's not just a convenient excuse for all the stupid things we do.

And agreed on the relationships thing too - some people are too afraid of being alone to wait for the perfect match, and some people would much rather wait solo until that comes along. If you're in a bad relationship, you are responsible since you're letting it happen. It's creepy how people just get caught up in useless patterns...

powderslider said...
