Thursday, February 23, 2006

This is for all the Irrational Basketcases out there

You know who you are.

I admit, I expect a lot from people. I expect them to be smart, rational, level-headed, easy-going and fun. Maybe it's because I am all of those things. I've figured shit out enough to hold those attributes, and I expect other people should have their shit figured out too. I sometimes forget that a lot of people are irrational and it throws me off. I don't know what to do in situations where people blow things out of proportion, exaggerate and create drama where there is none. I kind of sit there with my mouth agape, waiting for the punch line. Nope, no punch line, they're serious. *Cough*

What makes a person irrational? Do they think they're being rational, or is it some kind of sick game? I hate drama and will avoid it at all costs, but it seems that some people create it just for fun. They want their lives to be little soap opera's where there's always a fight between someone, some kind of tension and a hospital. Someone needs to be sick and in a hospital, it's one of the soap opera rules of thumb. That, and being pregnant with someone else's baby. I can't be around irrational people for too long or I'll die. Seriously, I'm a ticking time bomb of death. I just want to pull my hair out, then slap them in the mouth and tell them how it is in real life. Not their made-up irrational life of creating fights where there are none.

Of course, everyone has angry moments. But it doesn't take much for me to control my anger, so why do others have such a hard time? I'll take a deep breath, pace around a little bit and then confront the person with a level-head. I can't hold a grudge, and before there was even a fight, it's over and everything is normal. This is why I can't understand people who have fights that last for days and weeks on end. Aren't you tired? I thought people wanted to be happy, not pissed off for some stupid-ass reason for weeks and weeks. I couldn't handle all that anger welling up. Maybe that's why people shoot up convenience stores. An overload of grudge-holding. Just take a deep breath, people. I promise, taking deep breaths will save the world some day.

Inhale, exhale, all better.

1 comment:

Lever said...

I reckon that irrationality stems from the unwillingness or inability to digest the facts or just the simple ignorance (arrogance?) of them in the first place - an equation with missing sequences if you will.

But then, in one of those crazy philosophical head-fuck irrationality scenarios who's to say you're not irrational and the irrational ones are actually rational? I know it's not a particularly intelligent answer but my reaction to that sort of retort is usually... Bollocks! LOL

Personally I usually control my anger but once in a blue moon (that is illogical, captain) I blow a gasket and it's usually down to the irrationality of someone else's angle, i.e. they lack experience of the subject, lack data or simply will not accept facts as facts *shakes head and sighs very deeply*

And then when you're cool the next day, there's no grudge held and the irrationalist is thrown into the "DANGER! - do not feed with conversation X" category... you get labelled in their psycho nut-job box because of your ability to flip out and then chill... "blows hot and cold" they say... well, the weather changes, irrational fuckwhit, or didn't you notice that was totally natural either?

I blame soaps for brainwashing people... maybe that's why they're called soap operas?

Ah, I ramble, I should be working...
