Saturday, January 28, 2006

On Validation, Dish Soap and Men (the stupid kind)

Validation is at the top of my favourite words list. It's also at the top of my "things I hate about human beings" list. I hate that some people can't feel good about themselves unless they get validation from someone else. Some people I know can't even choose a shirt without assurance from five or more people that it's "so cute." But compliment seekers are the worst. People that constantly talk about their impossible hair or their love handles just to hear their friends say, "I love your hair! And I don't see any love handles, you are so hot I swear!" News flash: If you have love handles, you have love handles. Your friends are lying to you and no one else gives a shit. Really.

I don't go around picking people apart like that, at least. And if you do, you're a horrible person.

Maybe it's just because I'm getting older, but I could care less what people think about me good or bad. I know me better than anyone else, and I like me just fine.

Note: Do not put dish soap in the dishwasher. There will be an explosion of bubbles and a soapy mess. My brothers and sister learned this the hard way. Way to go guys.

"Hey, mamma's boys treat their girlfriends like gold. No one else treats women better."
"Actually, if you're a mamma's boy you'll never treat a girl as good as you treat your mother."
"No, you're totally wrong."
"I read it in my psych textbook. It's true." (No I didn't.)
"Oh wow, really? You psych major's know everything."

"I'm majoring in psychology at Laurier."
"No way! So like, you know what I'm thinking right now?"
"You're in psychic-ology, you can read minds, right?"

"You're in psych, eh? I'd better not say anything dumb around you or you'll analyze me."
"Oh ya, I do that. I go around diagnosing people left right and centre. I've already diagnosed you, actually."
"With what?"
"A small dick. And you're so afraid of being analyzed by me because maybe I'll figure that out before you try to get me in bed."

I've already spent my forever waiting. Decades have come and gone with me dragging my feet through them in silent frustration. All that time spent squinting into the horizon, waiting for something to appear. Never knowing it was coming at me all along, just below the skyline. I can see it now. A tiny dot of hope, and suddenly I don't mind the wait. I don't care how long it takes to get to me because I know it will, and for now I'm content with just that.

1 comment:

Lever said...

On validation... sounds like people need acceptance, a sense of belonging, simple reassurance maybe? It's funny that it seems to happen with certain mindsets, most social groups, maybe it mellows with age or do people get stuck in certain behaviour patterns?

Ah, I dunno, I couldn't put a finger on it but could talk about it for hours... the most down to earth people, the ones who disconnect from the ego that marketing forces (attempt to) project on us all... they are the ones outside the circle, who seem to be happy in themselves, need no stamp of approval. And isn't that real, honest not giving a fuck-ness?

LOL @ psychic-ology... didn;t know you did that ;) :p