Thursday, January 26, 2006

I Resolve (an update)

So in my Clinical Psychology lecture the other day I learned that some Psychologists believe January 23rd is the one day each year when the greatest number of people on earth are depressed. Why this day? Several factors are taken into consideration: The weather, Christmas debt and the job market to name a few. But the main contributing factor is that this is the time when most people start to fail at their new year's resolutions. People get depressed because no matter how sure they were on January 1st that "this year will be different," it's not, and they can't change quite that easily.

On that note, here's an update on how my first new year's resolutions ever are going!

I resolve to live every day in the present, and enjoy every moment as it is happening. This one's hard to measure, but I think it's going well. I remind myself every once in a while that sulking about school work is a waste of precious time and energy. I'm not so stressed about stuff anymore, but that might just be because it's not overload time yet. This might be a failure waiting to happen. We'll see.

I resolve to go to the gym five days a week. I'm proud to say, I've kept this one up with flying colours! Not only do I go to the gym every week day but I teach dance classes every Saturday, so technically that's 6 days a week of being active. Woo hoo! The only down side is that I can't enjoy the fruits of my labour quite yet. It takes about 8 weeks to see results, so I've gotta do this for another month before I can see that hard, sexy body I know is in there somewhere.

I resolve to plan a trip to England by myself, without my parents help. I've started this one, but it won't really apply for a couple months. I've asked other people who have done the same thing for suggestions and I've recruited a couple more who might want to go with me, but that's it. I've still got time though. I'm not leaving until May.

I resolve to go to all my classes, and never sleep in. Failed. I've already skipped two classes today. But I didn't sleep in, I went to the gym.

I resolve to go out no more than once a week, and never on a Friday. This one's not hard to keep considering my best friend is out of town this term and I have 2 seminar classes. I haven't gone out on a Friday yet, and sometimes I don't even go out at all in a week. Yay for being anti-social!

I resolve to stop obsessing over things I don't have and to be grateful for all the things I do have. There was a speed bump with this one, but it's gone much better after I re-resolved. Life's too damned short. Seriously.

I resolve to stop eating so much damned chocolate. Failed. But I'm going to the gym, so I tell myself it's ok. (I forget what they call that in Psychology. When you make yourself feel less guilty about something by making excuses? Whoever can tell me wins a chocolate bar).

I resolve to get at least eight hours of sleep every night. Failed. But I make up for it in naps.

So I think I'm doing ok. I'm not depressed, so that's a good sign. As for the rest of you suckers who have failed, way to go (insert evil laugh here). But don't give up now. February is a new month and maybe this February will be different.


Thought King said...

wow very impressive ;). Glad to see you kept up with all those resolutions (mostly). I myself dont even make them anymore cuz I know I'll fail them.

ANd that whole new era feeling that comes with new months and new years and new semesters where everything will change seem to only be a temporary figment of my imagination.

But you seem to have it all figured out. You will have to teach me the ways oh wise one.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're doing a good job of keeping your resolutions!
Speaking to most of our friends I'm impressed at how well all of us are doing. Keep up the great work!