Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I'm an Americist. Meaning, I'm bias against Americans. A flaw I'm trying to work on, because clearly not every American citizen is like their leader. I just think my hatred for George Bush and the frustration I feel about all the social problems in the United States (most caused or perpetuated by him) are projected onto it's citizens, which isn't right. To me, the United States is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with society in general, so if someone introduces themselves to me as an American or having anything to do with the States I immediately form this negative judgment of them as an individual.

But today I came across a speech given by former vice-president Al Gore for Martin Luther King Jr. Day which almost showed me a light at the end of the tunnel. He talks about how Bush and his administration breaks American laws in order to seek out "terrorists" in their own country (whatever a terrorist is. It's definition has become so watered down that it could include an average Canadian. Yikes!) They illegally wire tap a large number of American citizens, which totally violates privacy laws, not to mention pure and simple human rights. Anyways, I've always had this negative opinion of Al Gore because, obviously, he's an American politician. The worst type of American. But this speech really caught me off guard. It shows that U.S. citizens are starting to speak up against the rising monopoly that the Bush government is becoming. You can catch this amazing speech here, please read it. Inform yourself about what Canada could become if we move toward a Conservative government (because as we all know, the Conservatives are most like the Bush Republican party.) Think about it.


Anonymous said...

As an open-minded American, I don't take any offense to this blog. And, as a rational thinking American from the west coast (there are also some similar rational thinkers in Illinois and the northeast too) I agree with most of what you say. Our leader snuck into office the first time. Then duped enough people in middle America through fear and religion to get elected again.
Basically, what I'm saying is like how you are trying to be towards us. We aren't all conservative, war-monger, religious zealots. Some of us are rather normal.
All I can say is that I'm glad that we have a two-term maximum or else I'd be trying to apply for Canadian citizenship.

Miss.Emily said...

I'm glad you didn't take offence, it wasn't meant to be an offensive blog. Simply an admittance of my own tendencey to pre-judge all American's as "Bush" types. I'm glad you rational thinking and open-minded Americans are out there. Help overthrow the Republicans. Boo ya!

Miss.Emily said...

No kidding! Hopefully this will just remind us why the Conservatives haven't been in power for 12 years.

Stupid Harper.