1) I get to see the animals every day.
2) I get to see the rhino penis every day.
1) It took over a month to train for this job. Learning to drive a bus is a long process.
2) I've had to learn how to speak when I can't hear my own voice over screaming children.
3) I've had to memorize over 40 pages of script about animals. Long nights of studying for my job.
4) It's a 40 minute commute every day.
5) My uniform is an ugly piece of crap, and I've started to develop sock/shorts/farmers tans.
6) I make $9 an hour.
7) Sometimes I don't get a lunch because of the way the bus schedule works. Is that legal?
8) Refer to "baboon poop", above.
9) The most frightening moment of my life happened just last week when I thought I was going to get punched in the face by a customer who couldn't fit his family on the bus. He raised his fist up to my chin and said through clenched teeth, "You fucking white people! Fucking white service is a piece of shit." Good times.
10) The Safari is an idiot magnet. I've seen people get out of their cars in the lion reserve. Lions! Fucking wild, carnivorous, 400 pounds of pure muscle, will eat you if they get a chance, lions! Although if I did watch those people get eaten, at least it would add another point to my "pros" list.
There you have it folks, the truth about the Safari. Soon I'll be permanently hanging up my beige uniform from hell and moving on to better things. (Better things being Europe for three weeks with my Amber!) Ciao for now my fuzzy ducks!
Is it normal for me to be jealous of a rhino?...dad
See and I thought lions were friendly cuddly animals... Damn you Disney for shattering my dreams. Simba was all nice and had many similarities to JTT.
It's almost three feet long. Of course it's normal to be jealous.
Perhaps you have misinterpreted the definition of the word ode..?
I have my own interpretation...
Of course you do.
You just can't stand to be wrong!
EMMY I LOVE YOU! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
And everyone is wrong sometimes... especially people who post rude anonymous blogs!
Take THAT anonymous bitch, MUAH HAHAHAHA!
you were looking for ass kissing you say?
my bad.
you are the most beautiful person i have ever known.
how's that?
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