Monday, March 13, 2006

Always thinking, never just being

I want to turn it off.

Everyday, every bit of my life goes through an analysis. Making interpretations and predictions. What could happen next? What does this mean? It seems life cannot just be lived, it needs to be understood. Why this deep need to understand every facet of every experience? There aren't answers for everything, and it is the things we don't understand that engulf us and distract us from the pleasure of just being. In this life experience is everything.

Experience only has value because we learn from it, and we only learn from it because we analyze it. So maybe once we've learned enough to get by and are reasonably wise about this life, we can turn off the analysis. Turn off the gears at will and experience life with no predictions or interpretations.

I want desperately to just be. To just live, but I don't know how.


MsPatricia said...

I can sympathize with trying to analyze and understand everything. It is so hard to just accept things and just let it happen. Maybe it is a girl thing, or maybe it is just us. But forever I feel that I am trying to figure out why this happened or what this means.

It'd be so nice to just be.

Jay said...

We are the cause of our own analysis; I think it turns off when we're ready to turn it off ourselves.

powderslider said...

Your on the front end of it. How can you know "how to live" It takes a lifetime to learn how to live I guess. See you at supper. Dad xoxoxo

Kiren said...

Being able to analyze it what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. The ability to analyze is our greatest accomplishment, but it is also very often our downfall. A very necessary evil for ability to experience life in the unique way we do, for the ability to love, for the ability to be happy, joyous, ecstatic.

I get tired of it often, the analyzing of everything I mean. But without it, I suppose life would be as real. My ability to look back on my experiences (good and bad) and give them meaning, give them significance is vital to who I am and who I am constantly struggling to be. And it will always be a struggle, but I don't think I'd want it any other way.

Anonymous said...

its hard, but i would say, remind yourself that you are alive tdy and that you dont know what the future holds.

SO hold back on deep analysis and just live for the moment every now and then.

Not on super important stuff, but for the rest, live it up cuz anything can happen/change after.