Friday, June 16, 2006


1) I'm trying to create a dance post, but I can't seem to get it right. I'm way too much of an effing perfectionist when it comes to that stuff. I don't like any of the pictures of myself enough to post them, and I've probably posted 5 or 6 separate times and then removed everything because I'm not happy. It's pissing me off. Bleh!

2) Funny story of the week: A cute boy tried to kiss me until I blurted out "I have mono!" mid-lean. Nice, eh? I bet he thinks I was using it as an excuse because I didn't like him, but the funny thing is I told him because I liked him. Silly me.

3) A giraffe was licking the bus yesterday! I got so excited we were 8 minutes late for the next bus run and all hell broke loose.

4) It was my dad's birthday yesterday and I asked him what he wanted. He told me I already got him his present because he was watching home videos and got to see me experience Christmas morning for the first time all over again. Oh, the old man is getting so sentimental in his old age! When I left for university he couldn't wait to boot me out the door. What the hell happened?!

5) We live in a sex house, I swear. Only, I'm not having any sex. Maybe I'm the roommate who watches porn all the time and doesn't actually get any (ya, that sounds right.) But it'll all change now that the mono is almost gone, yee haw!

6) Ciao for now my fuzzy ducks.


RSS Spirit Combine said...

that was all gooshy of your dad to be so sentimental. I like it.

~Kelly~ said...

What you talking about, a sex house?? There is only one person out of five that is getting regular sex! That hardly classifies us as a sex house! It's all in your imagination.
P.S.. I'm coming back today. I've been home 12 hours and I'm on my way to Arthur now. I have no idea how I'm getting to Waterloo, my mom has said she really has no interest in driving me an extra hour so I can get home.
So if I do end up getting back today, We can go Par-tay for for Kel Kel's b-day.

Jay said...

Mono is only contagious in its early stages, when you don't know and could be spreading it like wildfire.