Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Why do I folly when it comes to relationships? Just when I start dating someone, begin feeling comfortable and think it's starting to go somewhere it ends. Am I alone here? It seems like every one of my friends has had at least one serious, meaningful relationship in their lives: Why did I get the short end of the stick? I cringe when I talk to people and they say something like, "Ya, my first relationship ended after only 8 months, but my current boyfriend and I are having our 2 year anniversary next week!!" Gag me. I've never made it past the 2 month mark.

I'm starting to think it's me. I'm attracted to the kinds of guys who don't want a serious relationship. Rather, I'm attracted to certain qualities and most of them are found in the typical, single, non-committal male. Take that Freud! I've compiled a list...

1) Sociability. I'm attracted to guys with a lot of friends, who can carry a conversation and who are overtly friendly.

2) Flirtatiousness. When I'm dating someone, I tend to take the backseat and let the guy do all the work. The types of guys who rise up to the challenge tend to have experience dating, and aren't afraid to openly flirt and let me know what they want. I need to know if he's into me, and nice guys are too... well... nice about it! Don't get me wrong I like nice guys, but it never gets anywhere because I wont initiate anything.

3) Independence. This is a biggy. Guys who are single and not looking for a serious relationship are the ones who look the most independent and in control of their lives. They're strong and self-sufficient, and to me there's isn't a quality more attractive than self-sufficiency.

4) Confidence. That's another thing about nice guys. They tend to be modest about themselves or shy, and that bores me. I'm attracted to guys who are self-assured and who are not necessarily going to give up after their first try with me. They need to know what they want.

Obviously there are other qualities that attract me (like intelligence and kindness), but the latter are the most visible and therefore the first thing I begin to like about someone. The thing is too, that I don't see any way around this dilemma... I cant just change who I'm attracted to. It sucks when you're a nice girl who wants a nice boy, because there's about a one in a million chance of finding each other. This is why nice guys finish last.

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