Friday, October 21, 2005


I have probably the longest to-do list of anyone. The sad thing about this list is that most of these things I will never get around to doing. The kinds of things on my list make you say, "I'd like to do that when I have time," or "I'll get around to that someday." Thats what makes me the most sad about life... that we never have enough time to do things that we want to do. Why are we so obligated to follow the plan of go to school, work, get married, have kids then retire and die? I know that in Canada and most of the rest of the world you cant live comfortably without money, and you cant get money without working for it. But why settle into the same, monotonous routine of work-retire-die? When is there time for living? After we retire? In between board meetings and casual Fridays?

Sometimes I feel like I should make my life a continuous vacation. Get a job just long enough to make enough money for a nice, long holiday... then quit. After my vacation, I'll get another job and repeat until I've had enough or until I've died, as happy as a lamb. Yes, I'm a wishful thinker and no I'll never really make my life a continuous vacation. However, my life is just that. Mine. Do I really want to spend it working for someone else, or even working at all?

Here are some things on my to-do list...
  1. Visit my each of my grandparents hometowns
  2. Learn to drive a stick
  3. Live in another country long enough to learn the language
  4. Learn to surf like a pro
  5. Be a lounge singer
  6. See Morocco
  7. Be proposed to
  8. Learn to sail
  9. Go water skiing
  10. Record a song
  11. See the pyramids

And that's not even scratching the surface.

Are we destined to a life of monotony or is there a way out? I refuse to just follow the cattle to the proverbial slaughter house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Wild Horses"-Rolling Stones

"Let's do some living
after we die"

Just thought it was ironic