Saturday, May 13, 2006

Come Along For the Ride

1) I have a great post pending. I'm telling you, this post will rock your socks (especially Miss. Jay. Your socks will be thoroughly rocked, I promise.) I need to include pictures, but our stupid internet is so slow right now. I need to wait until next Friday when we switch internet companies and actually get the high speed we're paying for. So hold on tight people.

2) Safari tour guiding also rocks my socks. I get to see the animals 5 times a day, and pretend like I know all about them. I'm just reading off of a script in real life (but don't tell. It's a secret.) I saw twin Bison being born yesterday too. Where else can you see something like that?

3) I miss my cottage. I'm craving fresh air and sand pretty badly.

4) Neverending White Lights, From What I Once Was. Download it immediately.

5) My least favourite type of person is the know-it-all. Some people just believe they've got it all figured out and have nothing to learn from anyone. More specifically, I hate when people think they've got me all figured out. Human beings are highly complex, and even when you know someone for years and years you can still learn new things about them. Don't assume I am one thing, because I am many.

6) I like being alone in my apartment every once in a while because I can turn up the volume on my favourite porn movies. I usually keep them on mute when the roomies are home.

7) Number 6 isn't a lie.

8) Keep holding on for the amazing post. You'll all pee your pants when you read it, I swear.


Lever said...

9) Don't you just love lists? :)

Miss.Emily said...

10) Yes I do. I love lists almost as much as I love corn on the cob.

Jay said...

Oh gosh, I am so glad that I just read this warning, so I can be sure to be wearing socks at time of this mysterious future post, so that they can be rocked off. Wait. Is that verb right?

Also, that is pretty cool about the bisons.

Anonymous said...

11) Three cheers for porn!