Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Future, Cabooses and the Colour Pink

I was talking to a friend the other day about the future. She knows what her starting salary will be coming out of University and where she'll be working. She knows who she's going to marry and how many kids they'll have. I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow.

I honestly have no clue what I want to do once I graduate, and I'm happier that way. I'm glad I'm not one of those people who knows everything about themselves ten years from now. How incredibly boring to already know exactly where your life is headed and what the future holds. For me, everyday is exciting because I have no idea what will happen. Really, my options are endless. Some people may see this lack of planning as flighty or irresponsible, but I don't think I could live any other way. How stressful life would be to always be reaching for some distant goal and constantly looking to the future to see your life. What about today? It is a strong asset to have goals for your life and to work towards achieving them, but only to an extent and only for some people. An ultimate goal, like becoming a psychologist or a financial accountant, really isn't necessary. I have plenty of goals. Right now, my goal is to graduate from University with a degree in psychology. After I've achieved that, I'll set a new goal. I don't know what it is yet but that doesn't really matter, does it? Live life in the present, because most of the time your future plans get fucked up anyways. By not having any, you'll never be disappointed with how your life turns out.

Quote of the day from 3 year old Abigail:

"I'm not the caboose today."
"Yes, you're always the caboose. You're a very important part of the train."
"But I'm not a train, I'm a girl."

Pink on a male is everything that is wrong with society today. There are several very complicated reasons for this that I will attempt to explain.

Firstly, men would never wear pink under normal circumstances. That would be the very last colour of shirt they would choose from an array, yet you see them more and more frequently. This is because American Eagle, The Gap and Old Navy got together one day and said, "Hey, pink hasn't been in style for awhile. Lets make pink cool!" So they started making men's shirts in this girlie shade and selling them in their stores as a trendy new look. Since we're obviously all lemmings, men started buying and wearing these shirts. They thought they would either a) attract females by wearing the newest trend or b) make themselves look prettier. Pretty in Pink. When I see a man in pink, I immediately decide he is a brainless, can't-think-for-himself, city boy. Which brings me to my second point.

Why isn't it ok for a man to wear a colour that is associated with being girlie? What is so terrible about simply wearing one of the colours that occurs naturally on the planet earth? Our society breeds manly men, and anyone who displays even a tiny ounce of femininity is a pussy. It's so hard for men to balance what women want from them and what other men expect from them. Women want a macho exterior with a sensitive inside, and other men expect promiscuity and a callous inside. No feelings allowed. If he spends more time with his girlfriend, suddenly he's whipped. It couldn't possibly be because he loves her and wants to spend time with her. Is there a happy medium between macho and feminine, or rather should there be a happy medium? Wear pink if you want to, it's a nice colour. And fall in love, I hear it's great.

(But really, don't wear pink.)


Miss.Emily said...

Happy Birthday to my roommate, my great friend, my sub-spice Leigh. I don't know what I would do without you. You make my world sparkle.

-Emmy (aka rough-spice)

PS; Seriously, someone stop me from commenting on my own blog! Especially about totally unrelated topics, it's terribly tacky.

~Kelly~ said...

Emily, stop commenting on your own blogs especially about totally unrelated topics, it's terribly tacky.

Miss.Emily said...

Javier, you've held the best comment torch for quite awhile! There have been notable contenders, but I have yet to see anything comparable to your lengthy accounts :)

And I totally agree about Simple Plan. They're just tools for corperate advertising. Thats why they all get free clothes. Can you think of a better way to advertise your product then on the skin of the embodiment of pop culture?