Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I've Been Meaning to Tell You...

So a couple thoughts have been running through my jumble-y, indecisive brain lately...

1) I've "decided" what to "do" with my "life" recently. And that is...
- Finish the last half credit of my degree this summer,
- Work from April to December doing whatever,
- Apply to Graduate programs within that time (still don't know what for),
- Have my convocation next November 2007,
- Take the following few months to travel (or work, depending how poor I am),
- Start Grad school September, 2008.
I haven't told my parents or really anyone but you, but I'm happy with the slow pace of the whole thing. I need some time because I consider whatever it is that's happening after undergrad to be pretty serious business. Whatever it is I decide to do in Graduate school is pretty much determining my career, so I figure what's the rush? I can really sift through my options this way and take my time in deciding what I really want to do.

2) I started calorie counting recently. I found a website that automatically calculates how many calories you take in daily, after you type in what you've eaten. I did this because I want to loose some flab before I head to Cuba in February. But lately this little website is becoming an obsession. I think about food all the time and what I can and cannot eat. I no longer eat when I'm hungry, but when it's meal time. I no longer eat what I want, but what I think I should. I'm turning into one of those annoying girls that starves herself and then binges and constantly obsesses about her food. That is NOT me. I like my body, even my flab. I don't want to be perfect and I hate perfect people. They're not unique. I am no cliche! Rage against the machine! I deleted my website account today. Back to eating healthy and exercising when I want to, and not feeling guilty about every cookie that passes my lips!

3) My birthday is coming up! And just so you know, I like presents.

4) Are all men confusing, or just the ones I like? And do men think we're equally confusing? Is everyone just confused all the time? They should call it "perpetual perplexity" instead of a "relationship." Someone please explain it to me.

5) I'm getting a tattoo. I know what and where, but not when. I'll post pictures once I've grown the balls to go.

6) Ski season is approaching! Yet another reason to get in shape. This year I will make the effort to go (even though I say that every year.)

7) I miss you all and love you.


MsPatricia said...

Great blog darling. I like the pace that you've set things out. I'm all about taking the time and figuring things out until you know it's right. None of this rushing off to the next thing because it's what we're supposed to do.
You'll figure it out, we all will. And we'll all be better off because we made the decision for ourselves.

YourSecretLover said...

Hey lover!

Wow, I'm jealous that you've figured out what you want to 'do' with your life.

And yes, all boys are that confusing. Even after you start dating them they will still do things that baffle you and make you go, "wtf?".

I'm super excited you're getting a tattoo, and jealous too. You'll have to show me what you're getting and where!!!!


~Kelly~ said...

1.) You are one step ahead of the game if you have 'decided' what to 'do' with your 'life'. One step ahead of me anyways.
2.) I'm glad you deleted that awful web site! I love your womanly body the way it is and I think you should be proud of it and show it off as often as possible! If I wanted a stick as a roommate, I would put a broom in your room.
3.)Every male is confusing. Period. My Mom even says this and she's been married for 23 years! Sometimes you just need to reach out and smack them to make them realize what they are doing!
4.) I'm getting a tattoo too! When you get the balls, let me know! We can be eachothers support!
5.)I missed you too, and I'm glad you are back to the old (but new and improved) Emily. (if that makes any sense!)

powderslider said...

Wow! Eat, move, its all good. I love you so much. dad