Saturday, November 18, 2006

I'm Feeding the Enemy

1) Wow, I can't believe how amazing Phoenix is. I've been downloading a crap-load of new music lately including the latter and We Are Scientists, Marc Andre, Wolf Parade and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. All quality.

2) I wish I was cooler. Like an indie chick or something who wears hightops and has a weird hairdo but it suits her. Weird hairdos do not suit me, I'd look like a poser. But maybe I'd start out as a poser and then I'd become indie just from acting like it for so long. I'll try it. No more shopping at the mall.

3) Only two more weeks of school to go, but pretty much it's the whole semester of school condensed into these two weeks because I suck at doing work when I'm supposed to.

4) I've made a resolution to change. I will wait for no one. Life is too short to wait for shit to happen. Everyone's working out their own shit at their own pace, and that's fine but I'm not going to wait for people to get it together when I'm ready to move on. I'm like the hare racing past the tortoise. Maybe slow and steady is your way, but it's not for me suckaaaas!

5) One week until my birthday. Pretty soon I'll be too old to enjoy getting older. Twenty-two, holy crap.


YourSecretLover said...

Don't think you need to be cooler. I've always thought that those indie chicks were kind of pretentious. Like they think that they're better than everyone because they're different. There's no point in trying to be different just for the sake of being different.

You shouldn't have to wait for anyone.

~Kelly~ said...

I support you in everything you do, as long as you don't shave your head or stop taking showers "to be closer to nature".

MsPatricia said...

I agree with the previous two statements.
1) I think you're cool enough as is. Some of those retro indie chicks think they're so much better than everyone else. Frankly, I don't understand why.
and 2) If you do choose to be all indie on us, I will support you as well. However, the minute you stop showering... I will stop looking at your bum.

I seem to be having the same issue with school right now as well. So much crap in the next 2 weeks. It sucks, plain and simple.

As for turning 22, I can tell you from experience of only a week ago... It blows. I feel old. My cousin tried to tell me I was turning 23. Needless to say... I didn't handle it very well.

May you age as gracefully as a 5 year old.

Miss.Emily said...

When I turn indie, I'll be a friendly indie chick. So basically the same as I am now, but go on the occasional music rant about some obscure band you've never heard of. And also I'll be dating more musicians. Skinny ones with long hair who wear flared jeans.

powderslider said...

HI Em'
Tell your friends to download Marc Andre music here...
Love Dad xoxox

powderslider said...

powderslider said...

Lets try this again shall we?

YourSecretLover said...

Emily noooo! Don't date men with long hair!!!!! They are unhygenic and sometimes need more hair products than woman do!!!!! If you start dating a man with long hair I will shave it off when he sleeps over.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Phoenix!!!