Sunday, May 10, 2009

Fly Straight

Even though sometimes it will be hard, and even when you wonder why nobody cares, you will have something. Your experiences, the people you've met and the things you've done. I went to Edinburgh and lived for six months. Got a job, made friends, travelled. I went to Croatia, Greece, Turkey and Ireland all by myself and made memories. No one else on this earth has what I have. No one shares my memories with me. The memories of my experiences are mine and mine alone and I will carry them with me forever.

So when you wonder why nobody cares, it's because they will never ever understand. They weren't there. It means nothing to them. The only person it matters to is you, and that makes it special.

This point in my life is an interim step. I feel in between chapters, and so I've become nostalgic about last year. Last year was action packed and full of newness and change. September will mean that again, but for now I am enjoying the pause. A few months of taking a deep, deep breath and enjoying everything around me. Smelling the roses if you will. The action will start again, I'm just waiting.

Waiting and smiling.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

How the Heart Bends

Longing is just love projected into space with the hope that it will land somewhere. Love is your heart expanding in order to contain something other than yourself.

(Art is an experience that evokes a feeling from you.)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

I Don't See What Anyone Can See in Anyone Else

This has not shaken my faith in the least. The opposite, in fact. I have rekindled my romance with renewed exuberance! I love myself and I am capable of doing remarkable things. Nothing can shake this foundation I have built.

As it stands, I am in the top tenth percentile of my Perception class. Booya.

I remember thinking, writing a final exam in a different course a while ago, "There's no way I can pass this, I'm way too tired." I had pulled an all-nighter the night before and could barely keep my eyes open. Not surprisingly, I failed. That was the only exam I ever failed, but it was also the only exam I ever thought I would fail. Coincidence?

So this time I thought, "I'm going to do so well on this exam, the material is so easy." And guess what happened? Maybe all we need in order to get what we want is a little faith.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm The Girl With a Dove and You're a Boy With a Feather

I love writing. I love the idea of being able to invoke a feeling in myself or someone else just by words on a page. The thing I've learned about myself and writing though, is that I find I'm more creative when I'm sad. So I would often be my own worst enemy when I felt like writing: A masochist, if you will. Making myself feel lonely, or imagining things to be upset about when there were none, just so I could write something good.

The thing is, now I'm happier than I've ever been ever. I jump for joy every day. It may sound silly, but the minute my feet hit the floor in the morning, I'm smiling. I have so many things to be happy about, and over time I've stopped having any desire to make myself miserable. The problem with that is that I've pretty much stopped writing, and I miss it.

So this is me, the happier version of me, making an effort to continue where I left off. My inspiration is going to need to come from somewhere else, and I am going to make an honest effort to train myself in the art of happy posting.