Dear Fake Mink Blanket;
Your hairs look like long black pubes, which is really embarrassing when I have guests over and they see these pube-looking hairs all over my bed and floor. I don't want them to get the wrong idea so please stop shedding. Thanks.
I like the way my eyeball looks in this picture. My eyes were blue until I was a year old, then they started to turn green but you can still see blueishness around the outside, which I like. I hate when people say I have brown eyes, they're not brown dammit! No offense to brown-eyed people but I'd rather not be lumped into the majority when I have very interesting not-brown eyes. Look closely, they are green on the inside and blue on the outside.
Is it weird if you have a sex dream but you're not the one having sex, you're actually watching your two friends do it in your own bed while you're trying to talk to them but they're obviously not listening cause they're going at it?
1 comment:
BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Your blanket sheds pubes, f'ing hilarious!
I hate it when people say I have blue eyes and I actually have mostly green. But they change colour. Yours are more hazel, and yes I can see the blue! Very pretty!!!!
Hmmmmmm.....having voyeuristic tendancies?
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