Sunday, February 04, 2007

Oooh La

1) I'm supposed to find some behaviour I do that I don't like and change it for the final assignment of my Behaviour Modification class. The problem is that I'm perfect, so I can't think of anything. I should probably tell my Prof and be exempted from this assignment.

2) Help me make this very difficult decision. Choice A: Go to Coachella after the finals of my last term of University undergrad life ever and spend a disgusting amount of money travelling across two countries to hear a great line-up of bands (would be better if Phoenix was there this year, I'm just saying.) Or Choice B: Go to work that weekend, which I was expecting to attend since September, and make money not disappointing all my students and not having to lie to my boss. I will consider any and all advice.

3) I'm getting a Brazilian. Yeah, you heard me right, I'm going to be spread eagle in front of a perfect stranger while she rips all the hairs out of my special place using hot wax. I'm totally insane, but also it's a prep for my trip to Cuba in eleven days. Wilfrid Laurier University Grad trip. You never know what could happen when you're drunk for eight days straight. My cha-cha could end up on the grad video and I want it to look goooood.

4) Just so you all know, my mom is better than yours. It's a scientific fact and we all know you can't argue science.


YourSecretLover said...

EMMMILYYYY!!!! Welcome to the world of hot waxing my dear! I've had it done before, and I will be doing it again for my next trip! Make sure you do it a couple of days before you go, incase of any redness or reaction to the waxing. AND, take two advils before you go. It helps numb the pain...a little. But be prepared my secret lover.

Oh, and of course you're perfect! Why the hell should you have to do that assignment?!

MsPatricia said...

Welcome to the world of Brazilian waxing! Once you do it, you'll never feel the same. It's exhilirating and sensual and soo so hot. You'll love it.

(That's right. I said sensual.)