2) I've started drinking V-8 because vegetables are good for you, d'uh. It tastes like tomatoes mixed with gasoline and some vomit too because of those little chunks. I just chug it down, like one would chug a tomato/gas/vomit combo. I've also contemplated becoming a full-fledged vegetarian lately because I already don't eat any red meat or fish and I eat chicken maybe once a day. Hello health kick, how are you doing? When my ass turns into the most beautiful thing I've ever seen I'll take a picture of it for you.
3) I'm going to add a post-script new years resolution to my list, and that is to go to class. I've skipped three classes already in the first three days of school, go me.
4) So I don't know the etiquette about cell phones yet, I'm a new user. What happens when you get your phonebook full of numbers that you add while at the bar? You know, those people you insist you'll call again but never do? Can you delete them? Or is it courtesy to keep them for awhile until you go through them and say, who the hell are "Phil" and "Jason" and forget when you even added the number and then delete them? Or do you keep them just so people will think you're a huge pimp because you get a lot of numbers? Or do you wait a couple months and then call Phil or Jason and say, "Oh, I had your number in my phone and was wondering who you are?" and then make a date with them because of this funny story you have together and you can tell people that's how you met?

Wow, V8 sounds amazing. You really make me want to run out and buy a bunch of the stuff RIGHT now. lol.
The jacket is beautiful. Just like you.
And your sexy ass.
1) You take what your friend says into consideration. Afterall, this person is the one who should know you the best (other than yourself) and she should only have your best interests at heart. Maybe tone down that aspect of your personality, but never change yourself for somebody else.
2) Vegetarian? You eat more chicken than anybody I know! I think you would die without your smoked turkey subs or chicken stur-fry. Chicken is good for you, just like V-8.. but WAY more yummy!
3) Miss Emily! Don't make me start kicking your ass to school!
4)First off, you shouldn't be adding random's numbers to your phone if you have no intention of calling them. You are just getting their hopes up and if you happen to run into them again, they will think you are the biggest bitch in the entire world. Delete those suckers out of your phone, but only if you have no intention of calling them. And since when did you care what people thought of how many friends you have?
Definatly do NOT call them months later. You will probably called a weirdo and hung up on.
5) The jacket is lovely
that jacket is S.P.I.C.Y.
kind of like Y.O.U.
Ok I will pay for the jacket as long as you attend your classes! Daddy o'
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