Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Where I End and You Begin

I almost went Raymi on your asses for this post. I may still soon, but I'm not quite ready to take my top off for the Internet. Also, I don't think my baby bro and dad would appreciate seeing my boobies.

I know you're all probably bored with my dream commentary, but I had the most frightening dream last night. There were ghosts in my room and one possessed me. A woman with curly, blond hair. She was in my body for a few seconds until I managed to focus really hard and force her out of me. Why do I keep torturing myself in my sleep? I'm not that tortured during the day, I can't figure out why I am so fucked up during the night.

Ghosts: In general, ghosts symbolizes aspects of yourself that you fear. This may involve a painful memory, guilt, or some repressed thoughts. Alternatively, ghosts are representative of something that is no longer obtainable or within reach. It indicates a feeling of disconnection from life and society.

Possessed: To dream that you are possessed, represents your state of helplessness and not being in control of things.

Maybe I should stop analyzing my dreams, or I'll start to think I actually am as messed up as they keep telling me.

1 comment:

Jay said...

I think analyzing one night's dreams can lead to a host of nightmares the next!